TABC Requirements Certified Clerk Training Programs.
Before you submit your company Alcohol Training Program to the TABC there are certain requirements you must include. Since time is of the essence you want to be sure your program includes all of the TABC requirements BEFORE you submit it insuring a better chance of having it certified on the first submission!
Your program must include the TABC Retail Food Wine Vendor requirements
You must also include your alcohol policy and the Rules and Regs for clerks
Before submitting existing programs to the TABC, the course intro MUST include the following:
“This program has been approved by the Tennessee Alcoholic Beverage Commission as currently satisfying the requirements contemplated by the Responsible Vendor Training Program as defined at T.C.A. § 57-3-818” even though your program has not yet been approved.
Requirements for clerks to be certified:
Certified clerks must be at least 18 years old.
Must not have been criminally convicted of any violation of the laws against possession, sale, manufacture, or transportation of alcoholic beverages, wine, beer or malt beverages within the past ten (10) years; and
Must not have been convicted of any crime involving moral turpitude within the past ten (10) years. Definition of moral turpitude, “Crimes involving moral turpitude have an inherent quality of baseness, vileness, or depravity with respect to a person’s duty to another or to society in general. Examples include rape, forgery, Robbery, and solicitation by prostitutes.”
Classroom training must at least 2 hours of instruction not including breaks
Online courses have no time constraints. However, it is difficult to cover all necessary items in less than one hour.
All Certified Responsible Wine Vendor Training Programs shall issue a certificate of completion for any clerk who has successfully completed the training. The original certificate of completion shall be forwarded to the appropriate responsible wine vendor, and the clerk successfully completing the training shall receive a copy. Each certificate of completion shall include the following information:
Name and date of birth for clerk;
Name of certified program providing the training;
Date on which the clerk successfully completed the program; and
Name and complete address of responsible wine vendor receiving the certificate of completion.
This is not a complete list, for more information TABC Rules and Regs